Advice for optimized use of AtremoPlus®

Would you like to test AtremoPlus?


In order to appreciate the effects of AtremoPlus, we recommend that you test our supplement over a period of one month with a dosage of 10g / day. It is not uncommon for the effects to be seen very quickly, sometimes even within hours after the first use of the product. But for some people, the effects can be felt a little bit more slowly between 2 to 4 weeks of use.

The clinical trials clearly showed, that the ability of the body to use its active ingredients (especially L-dopa) also depends on the genetic profile of the person. The feedback from our customers confirms that there are indeed differences, and we can roughly distinguish three groups of people.

The clinical studies showed that AtremoPlus was well tolerated by 100% of the participants.See testimonials from our users
The clinical studies showed that AtremoPlus was well tolerated by 100% of the participants.See testimonials from our users



Unlike other dietary supplements, whose effects are often slow to be perceived, AtremoPlus has the advantage of being very direct. Within a month, following the recommendations below, you will know exactly what personal benefits you can expect.

From the moment you open the first box and take 10g/day, you will know if you belong to the 1st group (very favorable genetic profile) within the first week.

If you belong to the 2nd group, your body will need a bit more time to adapt, and the improvement will be felt within 2 to 4 weeks, taking 10g/day.


What dosage?


The recommended dosage is 5-10g per day, i.e. 2-4 well-filled scoops. 

The daily dose, which should not be exceeded, is 20g, which corresponds to 8 well-heaped measuring scoops.


Find out below why we recommend testing AtremoPlus over 1 month.

To make dosing easier, AtremoPlus is delivered with a 2.5g powder scoop.

The product has been designed for long-term use and the vast majority of our customers use it for this purpose. A weakening of the effect of the product over long periods of time has not been observed so far. We have many customers who have been using our product for years with stable effects.



At what time of the day?


It is recommended to take AtremoPlus twice a day between meals:

  1. First intake in the morning, on an empty stomach 1/2 hour before breakfast or around 10-11 am: 5g (2 well-filled scoops)
  2. Second intake in the afternoon, between 3-6 pm: 5g (2 well-filled scoops)

Note that some people take a dose in the evening and report better sleep quality and better regeneration.

Over time, depending on your needs and the organization of your days, you can of course adapt these recommendations.

We recommend testing different times to observe and optimize the effects of AtremoPlus on your body.

What mode of administration?


Mixed with food

You can mix the powder with yogurt, a mashed banana, fruit compote, rice products, or any other food with a similar texture. 

The powder is of great interest to people with swallowing difficulties, and avoids the need to swallow yet more capsules.

The taste is rather discreet and not at all seaweed-like.


Please do not mix the powder with too liquid supports such as water, milk, fruit juices. Please do not mix the powder with hot meals.

The product could loose in this case some of its properties as the active ingredients do not support well these conditions.


The different genetic groups identified

Group 1: very favorable

People experience significant effects very quickly, often within a few hours or days after the first dose. This noticeable improvement in their daily lives can also be felt by individuals who have been dealing with issues for years or even decades.

Group 2: favorable

People experience significant effects but will need a slightly longer adaptation period compared to Group 1. Generally, it takes 2-4 weeks for those in Group 2 to feel an improvement. This is why we recommend a one-month trial with 4 bottles (10g/day) to give you the necessary time to appreciate the benefits of the product.

Group 3: less favorable

Each body is different, and there is a group of people whose genetic profile is less favorable for the absorption and utilization of the active ingredients in AtremoPlus (particularly L-dopa). As a result, these individuals do not experience many immediate effects. By taking 10g/day for a month, if no noticeable changes occur, it is unlikely that they will experience significant effects later on.


* In addition to the direct benefits, there are also indirect benefits thanks to vitamin E for example. Experts demonstrated that vitamin E helps protect cells from damage from oxidative stress, which is recognized by the scientific community as one of the important factors in aging. 

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